sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

What Happened Tonight

Today we went to a friend's house out by Boca Chica to play in their pool and watch a movie.  We drove home, following the Andersens back to Santo Domingo.

While we were driving back, the Andersens, who were right in front of us, got hit by some sharp metal thing in their tire.  We stopped behind them while my dad helped them change the tire.

So we were:  A bunch of obvious Gringos, in the middle of the night, with nice cars, in the bad part of town.

I was very touched when two guys on a motorcycle pulled over to help them change the tire.  That is until one of them tried to steal my dad's wallet.  There was a scuffle between them, and Elder Andersen went after the guy with the tire iron he was holding.  The guy hopped on his motorcycle and drove away.

Now at this point I was a little freaked out.

About three minutes later they came back, this time from the front.  They tried to come in around the car, but thankfully Elder Andersen was quick and blocked them with the passenger side door.  Thankfully they left again.

By this time my nails were little stubs.

We sat there for a half hour.  I was terrified that the guys had gone to get some friends.  But thankfully everything went alright after that.

So that was my exciting story for the night.  It will probably be a while before I am asleep.
The End

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011


Every morning I hear roosters crowing outside of my window.

The weird thing is that I live in the middle of the capital city.

They are always roaming around the street right outside of the high rise apartment building.  I guess someone needs some chicken to eat with their arroz y habichuelas.