viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

Five Things

1. I'm finished with finals!  I just finished my last final for the semester, Econ, and I did well.  I'm feeling pretty good about myself....

2. I also did really well in my Spanish final last night--  I was in the testing room for only 10 minutes and I got a 98 percent.  I probably should have been in a higher class.

3. Yesterday we had a clothing swap at my apartment with my ward.  We all cleaned out our closets, brought the extra stuff to the clothing swap, and then took what we wanted.  I got rid of a lot of stuff I didn't need anymore, and I walked away with a sweet jean jacket and some nice water shoes!

4. I start working full time on Monday which means more money for me!

5. I'm probably going back to the DR this summer, at the end of June for an internship with my university.  There's a group of students going there to teach technology and they need a translator.  I'm so excited to go back, see some old friends, and have more adventures.

2 comentarios:

  1. Yay! That's awesome, I'm totally jealous of going to the DR.

  2. Five more things: 1. Good job on your final 2. I'm totally jealous 3. You are gorgeous 4. Glad you got some clothes 5. Your blogging makes me happy. Write some more!
