viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

What am I doing?

I have no idea.  I feel like I'm just living my life with no concrete plans or dreams, or even ambitions.  I don't really know what I want to do with my life, when I will graduate, or even what I will be doing next fall.  Where will I live? Where will I work?  Am I going to change my major again?

When I was younger, at the end of high school, I thought that by the time I was 21 I would probably have some things figured out, like whether or not I want to go on a mission.  I wanted to go on a mission, and when I went to talk to my bishop and stake president I was devastated to find out that because of some health issues I would be unable to serve a mission.  Now, I can probably put in my mission papers in a couple of months and try again to go on a mission, but I'm not so sure I want to.  The drive and desire to go is gone, and I'm just not feeling it.  I was so sure before, but now I just don't know.  It's weird.

So tell me: am I ever going to feel more sure about what I'm doing?  Is this a normal thing?  Any advice?

Also, I'm thinking of getting a second job.  I already work 40 hours a week, but because I'm going to go to the DR I'm not going to be working during July.  I'm thinking of getting another part time job, so I would be working around 60 hours a week.  What do you think?  Where should I apply?

3 comentarios:

  1. This may sound obnoxious cause right now I wish I had better information on what God wants me to do in my life, but God really does have us in the palm of his hand and will inspire and help us to know what we are going to do. It just may not be in the time frame you would like. You seem like you are doing so many things right now! I'm so excited for the fun times you seem to be having and the opportunity you get to go to the DR again! How awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I totally agree with Livewell. You will be inspired with what you should do. And I am excited for you also!

  3. thanks for the comments. Appreciate it! It's important to be grateful for the things I have now and not dwell on the things I'm not sure of. I'm excited to go to the DR!
