martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

DR trip

In exactly one month I will be back in Santo Domingo.  I'm going there with a group of BYU students to teach at a summer program for secondary school children.  This summer school is low cost for public school children who are recommended for the program by their teachers.  The program allows opportunities for learning that would not be available to most public school children and also allows them a chance to get into University.  This is a wonderful program for poorer children that wouldn't otherwise have these opportunities.

The woman who runs the program gets funds from sponsors and donations outside and inside the DR.  She is an LDS woman and needed some teachers so she called BYU to ask them to send some students to teach.  My friend heard about the program and referred me to it, and I arranged to go as a Spanish speaking translator/teacher.

I will be teaching technology and engineering to eighth and ninth grade kids for one month.  We're teaching about batteries, circuitry, magnets, and electronics, which is something that I don't know much about myself. It's been interesting looking up and trying to learn about these things for myself before meeting with my group to start planning the lessons.

I have no idea how to teach, and a lot of the other students don't either.  However, we're very enthusiastic about this opportunity for us and for our students.  This will be an amazing challenge for me and the other teachers, and I'm thrilled to be able to do this.

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